Amanda's Personal Portfolio

Who am I?

Hi! My name is Amanda Ma! I was born on February 23, 2000, so I am now 17 years old. I was born in Brooklyn, New York, but I grew up in Marlboro, New Jersey. I have two older siblings, a 21-year-old brother and 23-year-old sister. I also have an 8-year-old dog named Dasher.

Likes, Dislikes, & Fun Facts!

    I like...
  1. listening to/playing music
  2. FOOD
  3. sleeping
  4. dancing
  5. binge-watching Youtube videos
  6. filming & creating videos
    I dislike...
  1. people who fidget
  2. loud breathing
  3. when people don't signal when switching lanes
    Fun facts: I can...
  1. wiggle my ears!
  2. solve a rubik's cube

Being a Girl Who Codes!

7/25/17: I have had so much fun in Girls Who Code so far this summer! I have learned so much, met so many great people, and I can't wait to learn more. Here are photos and videos of what I've done so far this summer!

This is the game I made on Scratch! -->